There is an interesting article in the Los Angeles Times in the last couple of days about measuring noise in restaurants. All of us with hearing loss know how difficult it is to manage conversations in noisy restaurants. In the article, it mentions that restaurants that measure noise at 90 decibels or above is equivalent to sitting next to a running lawnmower and trying to have a conversation with someone you are dining with at the same time! Here is the link to the article:,0,1279757.story
After reading this article, I found an app on my iPhone called db Meter Pro for .99 cents that I downloaded. Now I can record the decibel levels in the restaurants that I go to, keep a log of what I record, and share my findings with my fellow Hearing Loss Association chapter members. Do you think we could eventually convince the restaurant owners to "keep it down!"?
Awesome that you found an app! There are also Android phone apps that do the same thing. Now we can be more aware of what we are in for at a restaurant.